

The code for running your our MSG server is available anonymously from our CVS server using the connection string:

You will need a CVS client in order to connect to our CVS server, if you are using Windows, then we'd recommend using Tortoise CVS (free download). If you find the 'fetch list' of modules isn't working on our server then please just type in the name of the required module, the module names are as listed below.

There are a number different modules and depending on what you would like to achieve and functionality required, you will need different combinations. The purpose of each module is described below:

If you just want to browse source files, you can look at the most recent snapshot of files in CVS at (no longer available)

BuddyXML: Servlet providing the services that the MSG Client (and Moodle) connect to.

ClusterLibrary: Java library for clustering users for MSG maps.

MSGAlert: Visual C# application to run in system notification area (system tray) to alert users to new messages arriving.

MSGClient: Webpages (HTML and JavaScript) providing MSG client application.

MSGClientAPI: JavaScript API to allow the embedding of users presence in other web applications - not yet fully developed.

WildfireExtras: Java library extending Openfire to allow for multiple authentication systems (eg LDAP) and user/group replication services.

WildfireMashupPlugin: Openfire plugin to provide number of user on/off line statistics for Moodle-MSG block.

WildfireUserWebAdminPlugin: Openfire plugin to allow users to maintain their own profiles, and for group admins to manage their groups. This plugin is still under development.

BuddySpaceClientGridService: A Globus Toolkit based implementation of a grid service providing Instant Messaging client funtionality.

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