AquaLog Examples and Limitations  
  So far, AquaLog is able to handle 16 different main categories of queries based on pure linguistic criteria. Also, inside each category, an analysis is done to detect different subcategories or different ways to process the queries, depending not only on linguistic but also on ontology information. The ontology helps us to reformulate and understand the query in terms of concepts, instances, values and relations between them. (Note: AquaLog is able to deal with some spelling mistakes)

  • BASIC QUERIES - they are basic because they generate only one triple as intermediate representation. -
    Category 1: wh-genericterm
    Wh-genericterm category is formed by a relation between two terms. The generated triple is of the form "generic term - relation - term". The generic term is part of a wh-question and is mapped into a class in the ontology. The second terms corresponds to an instance in the kb. The answer is a list of instances from the generic term which satisfy the relation with the second term. A special case is when the relation is not mapped into a relation in the ontology but into a concept (which is a subclass of the generic term). In this case this category is transformed into category wh-unknrel.
    who are the researchers in semantic web research area?
    in which projects is enrico motta working on?
    which universities is Knowledge Media Institute collaborating with?
    How many persons work on AKT project?
    who are the partners involved in AKT project?
    who are the academics involved in AKT project?
    What are the research areas covered by the compendium project?
    Which Universities does Knoledge media institute collaborate with?
    How many members the buddy-space project has?
    How many pewrsons the Project webonto has?
    How many senior researchers are there in AKT?
    who are the members from southampton university?
    Which knowledge technologies institution knowledge media institute has produced?
    which technologies Maria has produced?
    Which research area is interesting for Motta?
    which senior researcher works in project miakt?
    which institution owns the project webonto?
    which methods are relevant to knowledge capture?
    who works in akt?
    who works at the Open university?
    which publications institution kmi had published?
    which kmi academics work in information extraction?
    who is manager of Vanessa?
    who is managed by Enrico?
    What publications cite AKT projects?
    What software systems are produced in AKT project?
    who is the principle investigator of the AKT project?
    which researchers are interested in ontologies?
    what are the research fellows working on the semantic web?
    who is member of the Open University?
    who are the research fellows in akt?
    which secretary is related to akt?
    who is a professor in knowledge media institute?
    who is the project leader in the project scholonto?
    are there any project founded by eprsc?
    which person is the secretary in akt?
    does anybody works in Apollo?
    in which research areas is enrico motta working on?
    which academics are being supervised by motta?
    which research areas are related to john domingue?
    who is a phd student in akt?
    are there any phd student working in dotkom?
    Give me all the projects related to semantic web.
    List the research staff members related to akt.
    Show all the research areas related to akt.
    Tell me all the planet news related to vanessa.
    which publications Maria Vargas had published?
    Give me all the publications produced for akt.
    Category 2: wh-unknterm
    A query which belongs to category wh-unknterm doesn't give any information about the query-term. The triple generated is of the form "?-relation-term". The term is mapped into an instance in the kb. The answer is going to be the value or values which satisfy the relation for the given term. A special case is when the relation is not mapped into a relation in the ontology but into a concept. In this case this category is transformed into category wh-unknrel.
    which are the projects of vanessa lopez?
    what are the research areas in akt?
    Which is the job title of Enrico Motta?
    Which is the research interest of John Domingue?
    what are the goals of tool magpie?
    which are the phd students in akt?
    What is the homepage address of the AKT project?
    Which are the publication of Motta?
    which is the postal address of vanessa?
    what is the role of Peter Scott?
    Category 3: wh-unknrel
    A query which belongs to a category wh-unknrel doesn't have an explicit relation. The triple generated is of the form "generic term -?- term". The generic term is part of a wh-question and is mapped into a class in the ontology. The second terms corresponds to an instance in the kb. The implicit relation is mapped into a relation in the ontology between both terms. The answer is a list of instances from the generic term which satisfy the relation with the second term.
    are there any PhD student in AKT?
    is there any project about semantic web?
    give me all the research areas are in akt.
    are there any researcher in the open university?
    Show me the publications on AKT
    List all the publications in knowledge media institute.
    Category 4: description
    A query which belongs to this category contains only a term. The term corresponds to an instance or a class in the kb. The solution will be a description of the given term. A special case is when the wh-query corresponds to "who", and therefore the term is also expected to be of type "who".
    what is the akt project about?
    what is an ontology?
    what are the research areas?
    who is john?
    who are the researchers?
    Show me the research areas.
    Category 5: affirmative-negative
    A query which belongs to this category contains two terms. The triple generated is of the form "term -relation - term". Both terms are mapped to instances in the kb. The solution will be an affirmative or negative answer - plus a justification - depending if there is an instance relation between both terms. A special case is when the relation is type "is" or "are". Therefore, the later term corresponds to a class in the ontology and the implicit relation between both terms is of the type "subclass-of". A second special case is when one of the terms has not equivalent in the kb. A third special case is when the relation corresponds to a concept in the ontology, which is a superclass of the former term.
    Is John Domingue a Phd student?
    is motta an academics?
    Does John Doo have any relation to AKT project?
    enrico motta works in ibm?
    Ontologies are a subarea of knowledge?
    John Domingue has interest in ontologies?
    motta works in ibm?
    Is John Domingue working with knowledge management?
    Does magpie utilize ontologies?
    has john been working with ontologies?
    Ortenz is the secretary of motta?
    Category 6: affirmative-negative-pseudorel
    Queries which belong to this category are transformed in affirmative-negative category after identifying the relation, which can be formed by nouns with no verbs.
    Is ortenz the secretary of John Domingue?
    Has john domingue interest in ontologies?
    Are ontologies a subarea of knowledge?
    Are the ontologies a subarea of knowledge reuse?
    is ortenz the personal assistant of enrico mota?
    is john domingue a research staff in knwoledge media institute?

  • WH-3 TERM QUERIES - The linguistic representation is a ternary relation that may be translated into two onto triples. -
    Category 7: wh-3term
    Queries which belong to this category have a third tem preceded by a preposition at the end of the query. The generic term is part of a wh-question. The linguistic triple generated is in the form "generic term-relation-term2-term3", the ontology triple generally consists in two triples. The first triple belongs to a wh-generic type category and it is created very easily "generic term-relation-term2", the second triple contains and implicit relation between the third term and one of the previous terms: the generic term or term2. The solution will be a combination of lists obtained for each triple in case the third term is related to the generic term. In case the third term is related to the second term, the second triple must be resolve in first place because the first triple is conditioned to the solution of the second triple. A special case is when the relation is a concept. Other special case is when one of the terms belongs to the relation, therefore the query is transformed to a wh-generic term.
    which projects are headed by academics in knowledge media institute?
    Who works on AKT project in Knowledge media inst?
    Who are the members of AKT from Southampton University?
    Who are the academics staff members of dotkom from knowledge media inst?
    Who is the director of the compendium project in Knowledge Media?
    who has research interest in Semantic web?
    which senior researchers has research interest in ontologies?
    how many projects are headed by researchers in the open university?
    which academics are project members in akt?
    which academics are the project members of akt from southampton university?
    which projects include senior researchers from akt?
    tell me all the publications written by researchers in akt?
    does anybody works on semantic web in akt?
    are there any publication written by researchers in ocml?
    Who is principle investigator of the AKT project?
    What papers were written by members of AKT?
    Category 8: wh-generic-1termclause
    Queries which belong to this category have a generic term, which is part of a wh-question, which has another term referring to the generic one through an implicit relation (preposition). The linguistic triple generated is in the form "generic term-relation-term2-term3". The relation and the last term can be related to the generic term or to the second term. The solution will be a combination of lists obtained for each triple in case the third term plus relation is related to the generic term. In case the third term plus relation is related to the second term, the second triple must be resolve in first place because the first triple is conditioned to the solution of the second triple. A special case is when the relation is a concept
    Are there any publications in knowledge media institute related to semantic web service?
    are there any project in knowledge media institute related to semantic web?
    which projects on language are sponsored by eprsc?
    which researchers in knowledge media inst has interest in artificial intelligence?
    which project from akt are related to semantic web?
    are there any publication from researchers working in hypermedia?
    which persons in akt are the phd students of john?
    which projects in semantic web are about ontologies?
    does anybody in akt works on semantic web?
    Category 9: wh-3unknrel
    Queries which belong to this category have three terms related through implicit relations. The linguistic triple generated is in the form "generic term--term2-term3". The generic term is part of a wh-question. Two ontology triples are generated from this, the first onto-triple relates the first and second term together. The second onto-triple related the third term with one of the other two terms. The solution will be a combination of lists obtained for each triple in case the third term is related to the generic term. In case the third term is related to the second term, the second triple must be resolve in first place because the first triple is conditioned to the solution of the second triple. A special case is when the relation is a concept
    is there any research area about Semantic Web in akt?
    Category 10: wh-unknterm-2clause
    A query which belongs to this category doesn't give any information about the query-term. The triple generated is of the form "?-relation-term2-term3". Two ontology triples are generated from this. The first onto-triple is on the form "?-relation-term2", the second onto-triple relates the third term to the second term or to the relation. The latest occurs when the relation is mapped to a concept in the kb and the second term is a not generic one (i.e. mapped to an instance).
    which is the job title of motta from Knowledge media institute?
    which are the contact details from the researchers in akt?
    which are the publications from the kmi academics in knowledge media institeu?
    What are the publications of peter on semantic web?
    What are the publications of motta about akt?
    Category 11: wh-4term
    Not completely implemented yet. The only implemented case is when the relation is formed by an auxiliary or basic verb and one of the terms belong to the relation. Therefore is transformed into a wh-3 category.
    who has research interest in semantic services in knolwedge media inst?

  • COMBINATION OF QUERIES - The intermediate representation consists on two triples. The solution will be a combination of both triples -
    Category 12: wh-comb-and
    A query which belongs to this category has an intermediate representation which consists in two wh-generic triples. Both triples share the same generic term. The solution is a combination of the solutions for each triple. An special case is when the onto-triples also share the same relation. The relation can also be mapped to a concept in the kb.
    who works in akt and is supervised by motta?
    which projects are funded by eprsc and are about semantic web?
    Who has interest in semantic area and is related with motta?
    who are the phd students in semantic services and are supervised by john?
    which projects are about ontologies and the semantic web?
    who is interested in ontologies and is working in akt?
    does anybody works on akt and on the semantic web?
    Category 13: wh-comb-or
    A query which belongs to this category has an intermediate representation which consists in two wh-generic triples. Both triples share the same generic term. The solution is all the solutions for each triple. An special case is when the onto-triples also share the same relation. The relation can also be mapped to a concept in the kb.
    who is interested in ontologies or in the semantic web?
    Category 14: wh-comb-cond
    A query which belongs to this category is formed by two relations and three terms, in which the query term can be an unknown value. The intermediate representation consists in two triples. The first generic onto triple contains the generic term, the first relation and the second term. The second generic onto triple contains the second relation, which is between the third term and one of the terms of the first triple. The disambiguation is done through the use of the ontology information and linguistic features. The solution can be a combination of solutions for each triple or the resolution of the first triple can be conditioned to the solution of the second one. A special case is when the relation is a concept
    which researchers wrote publications related to semantic portals?
    what are the contact details for the kmi academics working in akt?
    which persons work in the akt project funded by eprsc?
    which academics working in the akt project are sponsored by eprsc?
    which persons collaborating with Motta are working in Knowledge media inst?
    which publications are in knowledge media institute related to compendium?
    which are the publications from knowledge media institute related to language?
    which projects sponsored by eprsc are related to semantic web?
    tell me the projects sponsored by eprsc related to semantic web?
    Category 15: wh-generic-whclause
    A query which belongs to this category contains two generic terms, in which the second of them is referring to the first one. The intermediate representation consists in two triples. The solution can be a combination of solutions for each triple.
    what researchers, who works for akt, has publications about magpie?
    what researchers, which got a degree in computing, are working in akt?
    which projects, which are related to hypermedia, are founded by eprsc?

  • 2-PATTERNS OR COMBINATION OF TWO BASIC QUERIES - The queries which belong to this category may present natural language ambiguities. Different methods are used to deal with ambiguities. The ambiguity can be resolve through the use of types and taxonomy in the ontology, the generic of a concept vs. an instance or user's feedback -
    [wh-unknterm & wh-genericterm]
    what is the web address of the researchers who are managed by motta?
    What is the web address of researchers who has interest in ontologies?
    what is the telephone of peter who has interest in the semantic web?
    what is the web address of peter who works for knowledge media?
    what are the contact details of the researchers who works in akt?
    which is the web address of motta who works in the semantic web?
    which are the projects of academics who works on semantic web?
    which are the projects of enrico who works on semantic web?
    which are the projects of peter who is the phd student in semantic web?
    which are the projects of clara mancini who is the phd student in human computer interaction?
    what is the homepage of yuangui who is a phd students in akt?
    [wh-genericterm & wh-genericterm]
    who works with peter who has interest in software?
    which academics works in akt who has interest in ontologies?
    who works in akt who has interest in hypermedia?
    who works with academics who has interest in semantic web?
    which plantet news are written by peter who has interest in semantic web?
    which research areas are related to the academic staff members who are interested in semantic web?
    who are the phd students of enrico who works on semantic web?
    [wh-genericterm & wh-unknterm]
    which projects are leaded by enrico which are related to semantic web?
    which research areas are related to projects which are founded by eprsc?
    which projects are leaded by academics which are related to semantic web?
    [wh-unknterm & wh-unknterm]
    which are the projects of enrico which are related to artificial intelligence?
    what are the homepage of researchers which are related to akt?
    what are the projects of researchers which are related to artificial intelligence?
    what is the homepage of yuangui which is a phdstudent in semantic web?
    which are the planet news of motta which are related to akt?
    which are the publications in knowledge media institute which are related to magpie?
    [wh-description & wh-genericterm]
    Question type not recognized yet
    who is john who works in dotkom?
    Who are the researchers who work in compendium?
    [wh-unknrel & wh-unknterm]
    Question type not recognized yet
    are there any project in kmowledge media institute which is related to semantic web?
    [wh-unknterm & affirm-negat] or [wh-unknterm & affirm-negat-pseudorel]
    Question type not recognized yet
    which are the researchers in kmi with publications about natural language?

  • LIMITATIONS - Examples of queries that AquaLog is not able to handle yet. -
    Queries corresponding to more than two triples are not implemented yet
    Similarity Services
    Who works on the same project as Enrico Motta?
    Who share same research interests with John Domingue?
    Ranking Services
    what are the 5 key KMi publications in the area of the semantic web?
    what are the most succesful projects?
    who are the main researchers in semantic web research area?
    who works in all/few of the project?
    who has most of the publications?
    who is not working in akt?
    which researchers do not work in project akt?
    who is working in more than one project?
    Who are the different partners involved in AKT project?
    what is the average salary of the researchers?
    Type of queries not implemented in current version
    How long, when, why, how, where, affirmative-negative with 3-terms, 3-terms queries with clauses
    Linguistic limitations
    Are there any publications in KMi related to social aspects in collaboration and learning?
    Which projects deal with educational and/or collaborative software development?
    Who is working on the informal, social aspects of software?
    which are the publications in kmi related to social aspects in learning ?
    has john reserch interest in ontologies?
    what researchers, which a degree in computing, are working in akt?
    what research areas are funding by a dedicated funding body?
    which academics are project members of akt from southampton university?
    in which projects are participating academics from akt?
    in which projects are participating the academics from akt?
    which academcis in akt are phd students of john?
    which kmi academics work in problem solving methods?
    who has a secretary in knowledge media institute?
    Is there any researcher in kmi with publications about natural language?
    what=what's=what is
    Possesive 's
    Relation Similarity Service limitations
    which are the kmi publications related to compendium?
    who is the deputy director in Knowledge media institute?
    which researchers have publications in akt related to semantic web?
    who has publications about magpie?
    is peter scott working as a research fellow?
    is peter scott working with research fellows?
    what academics have planet news aobut compendium?
    which academcis in akt are the phd students of john?
    How many European projects is KMi involved in?
    which research areas bring in the most funding?
    show me the publications about phd student.
    is john domingue working with projects?.
    john domingue has publications about ontologies?
    Is enrico the deputy director?
    Is John Domingue a Phd student in Knowledge media institute?
    is Pepe the secretary in knowledge media institute?
    which researchers have planet news related to semantic web?
    Show me the job title of john.
    Absence of direct relation in the ontology
    i.e: does Enrico Motta collaborates with ibm? it is mapped to Enrico Motta works for Kmi, but we are looking for is Enrico Motta is a project member of xxx project && xxx project is sponsored by ibm
    Gate Failures
    Some of the annotations created by GATE for nouns or verbs are not correct
    What papers present results of AKT project?
    what does 'Victoria Uren' work?
    which person work in akt?
    who works in dot com? (
    which project are headed by researchers in akt?
    which project is headed by researchers in akt?
    who collaborates with peter who has interest in semantic web?
    What is aqua?
    which projects are about ontologies and semantic web?
    which are the publications from knowledge media institute related to knowledge modelling?
    String algorithms
    What papers present results of AKT project?
    who has interest in semantic web and is working with Dr. motta?
    Who are the academics staff of dotkom from knowledge media inst?
    what is the telephone of peter who has interest in the semantic web?
    WordNet or Lexicon for classes
    which people works in akt?
    Learning Mechanism
    Not combined with the use of string algorithms: what is the hompage of peter scott? Not implemented yet when the relation is a concept or is implicit

    Try AquaLog demo! (no longer available)
