Category 1: wh-genericterm |
Wh-genericterm category is formed by a relation between two terms. The generated triple is of the form
"generic term - relation - term". The generic term is part of a wh-question and is mapped into a class in the ontology.
The second terms corresponds to an instance in the kb. The answer is a list of instances from the generic term which satisfy the
relation with the second term. A special case is when the relation is not mapped into a relation in the ontology but into a
concept (which is a subclass of the generic term). In this case this category is transformed into category wh-unknrel.
who are the researchers in semantic web research area? |
in which projects is enrico motta working on? |
which universities is Knowledge Media Institute collaborating with? |
How many persons work on AKT project? |
who are the partners involved in AKT project? |
who are the academics involved in AKT project? |
What are the research areas covered by the compendium project? |
Which Universities does Knoledge media institute collaborate with? |
How many members the buddy-space project has? |
How many pewrsons the Project webonto has? |
How many senior researchers are there in AKT? |
who are the members from southampton university? |
Which knowledge technologies institution knowledge media institute has produced? |
which technologies Maria has produced? |
Which research area is interesting for Motta? |
which senior researcher works in project miakt? |
which institution owns the project webonto? |
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who works at the Open university? |
which publications institution kmi had published? |
which kmi academics work in information extraction? |
who is manager of Vanessa? |
who is managed by Enrico? |
What publications cite AKT projects? |
What software systems are produced in AKT project? |
who is the principle investigator of the AKT project? |
which researchers are interested in ontologies? |
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who is member of the Open University? |
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are there any phd student working in dotkom? |
Give me all the projects related to semantic web. |
List the research staff members related to akt. |
Show all the research areas related to akt. |
Tell me all the planet news related to vanessa. |
which publications Maria Vargas had published? |
Give me all the publications produced for akt. |
Category 2: wh-unknterm |
A query which belongs to category wh-unknterm doesn't give any information about the query-term. The triple generated is of the
form "?-relation-term". The term is mapped into an instance in the kb. The answer is going to be the value or values which satisfy
the relation for the given term. A special case is when the relation is not mapped into a relation in the ontology but into a
concept. In this case this category is transformed into category wh-unknrel.
which are the projects of vanessa lopez? |
what are the research areas in akt? |
Which is the job title of Enrico Motta? |
Which is the research interest of John Domingue? |
what are the goals of tool magpie? |
which are the phd students in akt? |
What is the homepage address of the AKT project? |
Which are the publication of Motta? |
which is the postal address of vanessa? |
what is the role of Peter Scott? |
Category 3: wh-unknrel |
A query which belongs to a category wh-unknrel doesn't have an explicit relation. The triple generated is of the form
"generic term -?- term". The generic term is part of a wh-question and is mapped into a class in the ontology. The second terms
corresponds to an instance in the kb. The implicit relation is mapped into a relation in the ontology between both terms.
The answer is a list of instances from the generic term which satisfy the relation with the second term.
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are there any researcher in the open university? |
Show me the publications on AKT |
List all the publications in knowledge media institute. |
Category 4: description |
A query which belongs to this category contains only a term. The term corresponds to an instance or a class in the kb.
The solution will be a description of the given term. A special case is when the wh-query corresponds to "who", and therefore
the term is also expected to be of type "who".
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what is an ontology? |
what are the research areas? |
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who are the researchers? |
Show me the research areas. |
Category 5: affirmative-negative |
A query which belongs to this category contains two terms. The triple generated is of the form "term -relation - term".
Both terms are mapped to instances in the kb. The solution will be an affirmative or negative answer - plus a justification -
depending if there is an instance relation between both terms. A special case is when the relation is type "is" or "are".
Therefore, the later term corresponds to a class in the ontology and the implicit relation between both terms is of the type
"subclass-of". A second special case is when one of the terms has not equivalent in the kb. A third special case is when the
relation corresponds to a concept in the ontology, which is a superclass of the former term.
Is John Domingue a Phd student? |
is motta an academics? |
Does John Doo have any relation to AKT project? |
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Ontologies are a subarea of knowledge? |
John Domingue has interest in ontologies? |
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Is John Domingue working with knowledge management? |
Does magpie utilize ontologies? |
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Ortenz is the secretary of motta? |
Category 6: affirmative-negative-pseudorel |
Queries which belong to this category are transformed in affirmative-negative category after identifying the relation,
which can be formed by nouns with no verbs.
Is ortenz the secretary of John Domingue? |
Has john domingue interest in ontologies? |
Are ontologies a subarea of knowledge? |
Are the ontologies a subarea of knowledge reuse? |
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